Our Gift to you
Beginning Farmer Pep-Talk
We love to connect with young folks just getting started on their Regenerative Farming journey. Many gracious mentors have been a part of our journey, we are all in this together so, let's connect! Ring Us Now
Homesteading + Small Farm Consult
Need advice about which land is right for your goals? How to build an ultra efficient, resilient homestead? How about implementing Regenerative Practices on your land? Water systems, farm machinery/equipment, heating systems, root cellars, shelterbelts, fencing...you name it!
Barter or $150 + traveling expenses
designing a resilient homestead
small regenerative farm help
farm hacks
passive solar building
natural building
permaculture principals
food forest planting
medicinal herb gardening
plant medicine
small grains
root cellars
building resiliency
holistic animal care
grazing animals